Music in 2008: A Music Dude review
No intro needed...littered with typos, here's a look back at music in 2008 for your casual consumption as we kick off '09...
Most Poignant Example That Black Music Is Underappreciated: My favorite album of the year and the best album of the year is Q-Tip's The Renaissance. There have been many grown-up hop albums that are often actually hop albums struggling to grow up. Q-Tip's newest joint is the most effortlessly grown album ever. From the subject matter to the vibe to the production to the artist, it was an album whose target audience was grown people with grown taste. If my little cousin Kadara (17, i think) said she didn't like the the Tip album, I'd say, "That's cool. He didn't make it for you." If my little sister P (27) said she didn't like Tip's album, I'd disown her. The Renaissance is like Black on Both Sides, if Black on Both Sides were made by a Gen-Xr in his 30s in 2008 for fellow Gen-Xrs in the year 2008. Yet, you won't find this classic album on any of the year-end top 10s and it didn't garner ONE Grammy-nod. I have this theory that black artists suffer from the fact that black artistry is not truly appreciated in their music. You either have to be ultra-bombastic or ultra-popular to get recognition from fans and critics. Subtlelty, vibe and creativity is a an avenue that typically only white artists are priviledged to drive on. Keep in mind that, in the nearly 10 years between 1999's Amplified and 2008's Renaissance, Tip made Kamaal The Abstract. If you never heard or heard of Kamaal The Abstract, it's because Tip's label at the time, Arista, never released it. It's one of those hybrid black music albums that featured heavy doses of jazz, hop, soul and rock all fused into one composite entity that me and my boys coined Bridge Music (I wrote about it on our old music website). The album predated Andre 3000's Love Below and Mos Def's New Danger, Common's Electric Circus and everything from Cee-Lo's pre-Gnarls cuts to K-Os, etc. The album is astounding in ways that can't be articulated. But unlike rock and indie artists that are allowed to stretch out and create and boundary-push, Tip's label deemed that the public wouldn't dig this new music...and I mean that literally, it was basically the first sull manifestation of a brand new genre of music. Think about how groundbreaking that is! The thing is, Arista was half-right. Much of Tip's audience would have scoffed. Joints like Kamaal The Abstract and, germane to 2008, The Renaissance are the richest examples of black music, so it annoys me that these albums are generally ignored. I'm urging all of you to kop Tip's album (lord knows we don't have to pay for it) and listen to this joint and then tell your friends and then go see Tip in concert and do all that is entailed with supporting great art. Tip made this for us.
One Is A Rock Star, The Other is Literally The Corniest Human Being Alive: Did you hear Carter III? Of course you did. Weezy gets down. Did you see his performance on SNL? Of course you did, Weezy gets down (I need that SNL version of Lollipop in my life). Did you hear 808s and Heartbreak? Of course you did. Kanye goes in, this we can't contest. Did you see his pious, profoundly nauseating performance on SNL where he tried to mimick Chris Martin and Bono, while turning a vocal performance that was worse than the worst karaoke performance you've ever seen? One of these days, I'm gonna break into his LA studio and beat him over the head with his Auto-tone machine.
I'm Not A Hipster, But I Dig These Dudes: MGMT, I dig these dudes. I don't dig the whole album, but I dig these dudes because they made "Electric Feel", which is probably the most accessible of the cuts. It's the kind of song that slays me. And if you don't know (they probably don't know either); they can only make a song like that because Parliament/Funkadelic came before them. It sounds like a weirded out MJ tune, a little further out than some of Timberlake's stuff on FutureSex...but the way the track marches and chants forward, that's so P-Funk.
Proof That The New Generation is a Wack Generation: Yeah, I'm on that "old man ish"...when me and my nigs were growing up, you could be a Tribe or Mobb or Wu or Nas or Kast and get love from your peers and teenagers. I was a teen when Illmatic and 36 Chambers and 93 Til Infinity dropped. We actually LIKED dope hip hop. Nowadays, a young man like Black Milk drops Tronic and nobody under 25 is pumpin it unless they're with their older brother or cousin. And Milk is 23! Tronic might be the greatest ehibition of production prowess we've witnessed this decade...and this is a decade that gave us Fantastic Vol. 2, Madvillainy, Mama's Gun, American Gangster and Late Registration. The kind of robotic funk that Dilla started on Trinity and shaped more on Rough Draft (my boy Trav called it industrial which is probably the illest way I've heard it described way), he diverged from it when he made The Shining, like he dropped one toy and picked up another one. But Young Milk took those parts put it on a Motown assembly line (again shouts to Trav) made some kind of one-man rocket and took off to the cosmos. "Bounce" turns me into a caserole. "Give The Drummer Some" breathes so effin hard. And yet, only some old head like me digs it. The weird thing is that Milk gives you some of that same pointless swag that wacksters like Yung Berg and Plies drip with, except he does it in a hip-hop way, with classic production. Oh well. All I'm saying is that one day I'm gonna crash my car listening to "Hell Yeah".
If I Can Listen to Two Acts Right Now: I'd choose Muhsinah and J*Davey. Davey dropped in '07, Muhsinah rushed me in '08. I reviewed Muhsinah's EP Daybreak here. She's like an accessible Georgia Anne Muldrow. She's heavy enough to extract the prettiest melody from Pharoah Sander's 32-minute "The Creator Has A Master Plan" and coo "Once Again." She's a singer-songwriter-producer that is creating music thick as Pam Grier in the 70s.
Are You Kidding Me?: I'll never forget driving down Wilshire in L.A. and hearing Fellie Fell say the following: "This is a brand new hot joint from M.I.A. -- 'Paper Planes'!" Brand new?!?!!!! That album (Kala) came out in the summer of 2007! I thought I was late when I first got hip last winter! Then the Apatow gang uses the joint for Rogen's Pineapple Express commercials and I got my little brother asking me to forward him "that new M.I.A. joint." Insane.
Is She The New Mary J?: Every generation of females needs an artist whose voice and lyrics express the angst and anger that comes from living in James Brown's world, right? Gen X had Sade and Mary J. Well, there are artists that have, collectively, carried Sade's torch. Sade's music was reflective and moody and, in relative terms, quaint. Women like India Arie and Jill Scott inhabit that world these days. But -- and here comes some good ol' classic Vince stereotyping -- what about the greater sect. Sade sold millions, but we can all agree that not every 14 to 34-year-old in the 90s and early 00s was digging on Love Deluxe and Lovers Rock. But I can pretty much guarantee you they dug CD-skips into 411, My Life, Share My World, and Mary. Lauryn Hill seemed poised to grab that mantle and then ascend to strata that would make her one of the 50 Greatest artists of all time, regardless of genres. Unfortunately, she succumbed to whatever forces have put her on mute for the past 7 or 8 years. So Mary has continued to drop albums and womankind has continued to dig them, but, I'm sorry, those joints suck. It's not good music. I remember hanging with my friend one night and she put on Mary's Breakthrough for me, attempting to convince that Mary still made good music. Each track sucked, but she dug the snot of them. I just remember thinking, "Man, these women need a new Mary." Well, enter Jazmine Sullivan. I first heard Sullivan's "Need You Bad" this summer as I was standing outside a sneaker shop on Broadway in Manhattan. It kinda floored me. Then came "Bust Your Windows" which, as a man, didn't really impress me, but sounded exactly like something that would take off with women. Then her album, Fearless, dropped and, one by one, most ladies I talked to said the "loved" her album. I never want May to stop making music. If Madonna and her Oscar De La Hoya Arms can continue to drop albums, then so should Mary, she's a legend. But maybe a woman like Jazmine can inch Mary's Oprah-music off heavy-rotation a little bit. If I hear "Just Fine" one more time, my nuts are gonna fall off.
Two 2007 Albums That I Pumped Relentlessly in 2008: I'm gonna go to Sweden, impregante Yukimi Nagano and make us some Anthony Knights. Seriously, I'm gonna lover her down and seed some afro-asians. Little Dragon's self-entitled album dropped in September of 2007 (I wrote a review on it for All Music) and it has stayed in heavy-rotation. One day, I'm gonna make a short film about two young mutes falling in love and this will be the soundtrack...this and Miles' Nefertiti. A few months after Saul Williams gave the world The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Niggy Tardust in November of 2007. If there were a such thing as predominantly black raves, this is what we'd play. I'm craaaaaaazy late on this. But I remember pumping this joint on the NJ Transit and when I took of my earphones, my ears were bleeding, it was a good bleed though. If it's black-rave-music ("DNA" "Banged And Blown Through", it's also black-protest-music ("Raised To Be Lowered"). One final note: I'm gonna throw a party just to drop "World On Wheels" and you better dance.
The Album That Takes on Great Significance Based On Recent News: When it first dropped, I dug The Root's Rising Down, but didn't love (although my boys did). "Get Busy" got really busy, making it on to most my playlists (especially the slept on Peedi Crack); "I Will Not Apologize" was slick; the album was dope. But then I heard The Roots were no longer gonna record and only periodically tour because they signed on to be Jimmy Fallon's house band when he takes over the Late Late Show when Conan takes over for Leno. The Roots -- since I became aware of them with 1994's Do You Want More -- have held me down. Not one wack album in the whole discography. Their worst album, Tipping Point, is slept on. And, for a swan song, Rising Down is stupendous. I'm hoping however, that Fallon falls flat on his smirky face and The Roots can resume.
Hardest Working Man in the Rap Business: Blu dropped Johnson and Johnson with Main Frame AND dropped the gem that was CRAC Knuckle's Piece Talks with my dude Ta'Raach. Both albums were stellar. The CRAC Knucks was my fav album for a good six weeks.
I Know They're Different, But...: This chick Adele is no Amy Whinehouse. How this chick gets all the acclaim for 19 just irks me. But people support her and I can dig that, since she is, at least, an artist. Meanwhile, Muhsinah and Georgia Anne Muldrow might as well being throwing tennis balls against the wall.
Other Albums That Tickled My Ears: Portishead's Third, Dwele's Sketches of A Man (this might be a classic), Badu's New Amerykah, NERD's Seeing Sounds, Gnarls Barkley's Odd Couple, Nas' Unlreased Nigger Album (the mixtape, not the untitled, more watered down label release).
Most Poignant Example That Black Music Is Underappreciated: My favorite album of the year and the best album of the year is Q-Tip's The Renaissance. There have been many grown-up hop albums that are often actually hop albums struggling to grow up. Q-Tip's newest joint is the most effortlessly grown album ever. From the subject matter to the vibe to the production to the artist, it was an album whose target audience was grown people with grown taste. If my little cousin Kadara (17, i think) said she didn't like the the Tip album, I'd say, "That's cool. He didn't make it for you." If my little sister P (27) said she didn't like Tip's album, I'd disown her. The Renaissance is like Black on Both Sides, if Black on Both Sides were made by a Gen-Xr in his 30s in 2008 for fellow Gen-Xrs in the year 2008. Yet, you won't find this classic album on any of the year-end top 10s and it didn't garner ONE Grammy-nod. I have this theory that black artists suffer from the fact that black artistry is not truly appreciated in their music. You either have to be ultra-bombastic or ultra-popular to get recognition from fans and critics. Subtlelty, vibe and creativity is a an avenue that typically only white artists are priviledged to drive on. Keep in mind that, in the nearly 10 years between 1999's Amplified and 2008's Renaissance, Tip made Kamaal The Abstract. If you never heard or heard of Kamaal The Abstract, it's because Tip's label at the time, Arista, never released it. It's one of those hybrid black music albums that featured heavy doses of jazz, hop, soul and rock all fused into one composite entity that me and my boys coined Bridge Music (I wrote about it on our old music website). The album predated Andre 3000's Love Below and Mos Def's New Danger, Common's Electric Circus and everything from Cee-Lo's pre-Gnarls cuts to K-Os, etc. The album is astounding in ways that can't be articulated. But unlike rock and indie artists that are allowed to stretch out and create and boundary-push, Tip's label deemed that the public wouldn't dig this new music...and I mean that literally, it was basically the first sull manifestation of a brand new genre of music. Think about how groundbreaking that is! The thing is, Arista was half-right. Much of Tip's audience would have scoffed. Joints like Kamaal The Abstract and, germane to 2008, The Renaissance are the richest examples of black music, so it annoys me that these albums are generally ignored. I'm urging all of you to kop Tip's album (lord knows we don't have to pay for it) and listen to this joint and then tell your friends and then go see Tip in concert and do all that is entailed with supporting great art. Tip made this for us.
One Is A Rock Star, The Other is Literally The Corniest Human Being Alive: Did you hear Carter III? Of course you did. Weezy gets down. Did you see his performance on SNL? Of course you did, Weezy gets down (I need that SNL version of Lollipop in my life). Did you hear 808s and Heartbreak? Of course you did. Kanye goes in, this we can't contest. Did you see his pious, profoundly nauseating performance on SNL where he tried to mimick Chris Martin and Bono, while turning a vocal performance that was worse than the worst karaoke performance you've ever seen? One of these days, I'm gonna break into his LA studio and beat him over the head with his Auto-tone machine.
I'm Not A Hipster, But I Dig These Dudes: MGMT, I dig these dudes. I don't dig the whole album, but I dig these dudes because they made "Electric Feel", which is probably the most accessible of the cuts. It's the kind of song that slays me. And if you don't know (they probably don't know either); they can only make a song like that because Parliament/Funkadelic came before them. It sounds like a weirded out MJ tune, a little further out than some of Timberlake's stuff on FutureSex...but the way the track marches and chants forward, that's so P-Funk.
Proof That The New Generation is a Wack Generation: Yeah, I'm on that "old man ish"...when me and my nigs were growing up, you could be a Tribe or Mobb or Wu or Nas or Kast and get love from your peers and teenagers. I was a teen when Illmatic and 36 Chambers and 93 Til Infinity dropped. We actually LIKED dope hip hop. Nowadays, a young man like Black Milk drops Tronic and nobody under 25 is pumpin it unless they're with their older brother or cousin. And Milk is 23! Tronic might be the greatest ehibition of production prowess we've witnessed this decade...and this is a decade that gave us Fantastic Vol. 2, Madvillainy, Mama's Gun, American Gangster and Late Registration. The kind of robotic funk that Dilla started on Trinity and shaped more on Rough Draft (my boy Trav called it industrial which is probably the illest way I've heard it described way), he diverged from it when he made The Shining, like he dropped one toy and picked up another one. But Young Milk took those parts put it on a Motown assembly line (again shouts to Trav) made some kind of one-man rocket and took off to the cosmos. "Bounce" turns me into a caserole. "Give The Drummer Some" breathes so effin hard. And yet, only some old head like me digs it. The weird thing is that Milk gives you some of that same pointless swag that wacksters like Yung Berg and Plies drip with, except he does it in a hip-hop way, with classic production. Oh well. All I'm saying is that one day I'm gonna crash my car listening to "Hell Yeah".
If I Can Listen to Two Acts Right Now: I'd choose Muhsinah and J*Davey. Davey dropped in '07, Muhsinah rushed me in '08. I reviewed Muhsinah's EP Daybreak here. She's like an accessible Georgia Anne Muldrow. She's heavy enough to extract the prettiest melody from Pharoah Sander's 32-minute "The Creator Has A Master Plan" and coo "Once Again." She's a singer-songwriter-producer that is creating music thick as Pam Grier in the 70s.
Are You Kidding Me?: I'll never forget driving down Wilshire in L.A. and hearing Fellie Fell say the following: "This is a brand new hot joint from M.I.A. -- 'Paper Planes'!" Brand new?!?!!!! That album (Kala) came out in the summer of 2007! I thought I was late when I first got hip last winter! Then the Apatow gang uses the joint for Rogen's Pineapple Express commercials and I got my little brother asking me to forward him "that new M.I.A. joint." Insane.
Is She The New Mary J?: Every generation of females needs an artist whose voice and lyrics express the angst and anger that comes from living in James Brown's world, right? Gen X had Sade and Mary J. Well, there are artists that have, collectively, carried Sade's torch. Sade's music was reflective and moody and, in relative terms, quaint. Women like India Arie and Jill Scott inhabit that world these days. But -- and here comes some good ol' classic Vince stereotyping -- what about the greater sect. Sade sold millions, but we can all agree that not every 14 to 34-year-old in the 90s and early 00s was digging on Love Deluxe and Lovers Rock. But I can pretty much guarantee you they dug CD-skips into 411, My Life, Share My World, and Mary. Lauryn Hill seemed poised to grab that mantle and then ascend to strata that would make her one of the 50 Greatest artists of all time, regardless of genres. Unfortunately, she succumbed to whatever forces have put her on mute for the past 7 or 8 years. So Mary has continued to drop albums and womankind has continued to dig them, but, I'm sorry, those joints suck. It's not good music. I remember hanging with my friend one night and she put on Mary's Breakthrough for me, attempting to convince that Mary still made good music. Each track sucked, but she dug the snot of them. I just remember thinking, "Man, these women need a new Mary." Well, enter Jazmine Sullivan. I first heard Sullivan's "Need You Bad" this summer as I was standing outside a sneaker shop on Broadway in Manhattan. It kinda floored me. Then came "Bust Your Windows" which, as a man, didn't really impress me, but sounded exactly like something that would take off with women. Then her album, Fearless, dropped and, one by one, most ladies I talked to said the "loved" her album. I never want May to stop making music. If Madonna and her Oscar De La Hoya Arms can continue to drop albums, then so should Mary, she's a legend. But maybe a woman like Jazmine can inch Mary's Oprah-music off heavy-rotation a little bit. If I hear "Just Fine" one more time, my nuts are gonna fall off.
Two 2007 Albums That I Pumped Relentlessly in 2008: I'm gonna go to Sweden, impregante Yukimi Nagano and make us some Anthony Knights. Seriously, I'm gonna lover her down and seed some afro-asians. Little Dragon's self-entitled album dropped in September of 2007 (I wrote a review on it for All Music) and it has stayed in heavy-rotation. One day, I'm gonna make a short film about two young mutes falling in love and this will be the soundtrack...this and Miles' Nefertiti. A few months after Saul Williams gave the world The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Niggy Tardust in November of 2007. If there were a such thing as predominantly black raves, this is what we'd play. I'm craaaaaaazy late on this. But I remember pumping this joint on the NJ Transit and when I took of my earphones, my ears were bleeding, it was a good bleed though. If it's black-rave-music ("DNA" "Banged And Blown Through", it's also black-protest-music ("Raised To Be Lowered"). One final note: I'm gonna throw a party just to drop "World On Wheels" and you better dance.
The Album That Takes on Great Significance Based On Recent News: When it first dropped, I dug The Root's Rising Down, but didn't love (although my boys did). "Get Busy" got really busy, making it on to most my playlists (especially the slept on Peedi Crack); "I Will Not Apologize" was slick; the album was dope. But then I heard The Roots were no longer gonna record and only periodically tour because they signed on to be Jimmy Fallon's house band when he takes over the Late Late Show when Conan takes over for Leno. The Roots -- since I became aware of them with 1994's Do You Want More -- have held me down. Not one wack album in the whole discography. Their worst album, Tipping Point, is slept on. And, for a swan song, Rising Down is stupendous. I'm hoping however, that Fallon falls flat on his smirky face and The Roots can resume.
Hardest Working Man in the Rap Business: Blu dropped Johnson and Johnson with Main Frame AND dropped the gem that was CRAC Knuckle's Piece Talks with my dude Ta'Raach. Both albums were stellar. The CRAC Knucks was my fav album for a good six weeks.
I Know They're Different, But...: This chick Adele is no Amy Whinehouse. How this chick gets all the acclaim for 19 just irks me. But people support her and I can dig that, since she is, at least, an artist. Meanwhile, Muhsinah and Georgia Anne Muldrow might as well being throwing tennis balls against the wall.
Other Albums That Tickled My Ears: Portishead's Third, Dwele's Sketches of A Man (this might be a classic), Badu's New Amerykah, NERD's Seeing Sounds, Gnarls Barkley's Odd Couple, Nas' Unlreased Nigger Album (the mixtape, not the untitled, more watered down label release).
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However, as this amount of beauty and quality comes at [B]tiffany & co[/B] a price, there are many jewelry lovers who are just not able to pay [U][B]tiffany rings[/U][/B] the high price and look for suitable replicas instead. This is the [U][B]replica tiffany jewelry[/U][/B] reason there are special [U]tiffany charms][/U] designers that now offer beautifully made Replica Tiffany Jewelry and that too, at a much [B][URL=]tiffany earrings[/URL][/B] lower price.
The Tiffany's is one [B]tiffany jewelry store[/B] of those brands that actually [B]3tiffany & co jewellery[/B] mark the onset of a classic style and design on its own. Some of the designs of this [B]tiffany jewellery[/B] brand name have become so common and popular, that they [B]replica tiffany jewelry[/B] are bound to be copied by artisans all over. These replicas are created either by [U][B]tiffany pendants[/U][/B] using a mass production technique or by an individual jewelry designer who is striving to [U]tiffany][/U] make a name for his services and capitalize on the original designs. These [U]3tiffany & co jewellery[/U] kinds of procedures have made the replica business [B]pandora beads[/B] a very lucrative one, with scores of skilled designers [U]tiffany engagement rings][/U] paying close attention to these designs and producing them effortlessly [U][B]authentic tiffany jewelry[/U][/B] with same style and appeal.
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At 12:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
Jewelry is women's best friend. It is surely a [B][URL=]tiffany engagement rings[/URL][/B] long lasting gift to your loved ones and enhances ones beauty [U]authentic tiffany jewelry[/U] with its attention getting charm. So, while buying such beautiful jewelry for [B]discount tiffany jewelry[/B] your precious ones, you need to make [B]knockoff tiffany jewelry[/B] sure that you get them from trust worthy places. Pandora bracelets, Links of London, Tiffany jewelry [U][B]cheap tiffany and co jewelry[/U][/B] offer you top edge designs and high quality jewelry at affordable prices. They are known for their [U][B]tiffany jewelry store[/U][/B] elegant yet bright designs that could match any occasion. Jewelry these brands offer has a specific [B][URL=]tiffany engagement rings[/URL][/B] meaning that expresses many feelings.
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At 3:32 AM,
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Jewelry is women's best friend. It is surely a [B][URL=]tiffany[/URL][/B] long lasting gift to your loved ones and enhances ones beauty [U]baltimore tiffany jewelry[/U] with its attention getting charm. So, while buying such beautiful jewelry for [B]tiffany company jewelry[/B] your precious ones, you need to make [B]tiffany company jewelry[/B] sure that you get them from trust worthy places. Pandora bracelets, Links of London, Tiffany jewelry [U][B]authentic tiffany jewelry[/U][/B] offer you top edge designs and high quality jewelry at affordable prices. They are known for their [U][B]buyers of tiffany jewelry sets[/U][/B] elegant yet bright designs that could match any occasion. Jewelry these brands offer has a specific [B][URL=]tiffany bracelets[/URL][/B] meaning that expresses many feelings.
Silver bangles and bracelets of Tiffany jewelry [B][URL=]tiffany rings[/URL][/B] are known for their delicate knots and symbols which express unity and harmony. Their heart shaped lockets which express love make [U][B]baltimore tiffany jewelry[/U][/B] their partner feels that they are precious [B]3tiffany & co jewellery[/B] and wonderful.
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Links of London is yet another designer [U][B]3tiffany & co jewellery[/U][/B] jewelry store that offers wide variety of jewelry which [B]authentic tiffany jewelry monthly promotion[/B] makes every one a proud owner, who ever buy it. These jewelries are outstanding [U][B]3tiffany & co jewellery[/U][/B] jewelry store in London. There are known for its craftsmanship, each [B]authentic tiffany jewelry[/B] and every piece of jewelry is hand made in its workshops situated at [B]fake tiffany jewelry[/B] London. Pendants, necklaces, ear rings studded with immaculate diamonds are completely mesmerizing. Get your self [U]replica tiffany jewelry[/U] a best buy in any of these brands, sure you [U]cheap tiffany and co jewelry[/U] well not regret.
At 12:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Trying to find an innovative and lucrative [B][URL=]tiffany london[/URL][/B] business? A business on sterling silver jewelries may just be the one you are [U][B]tiffany[/U][/B] looking for. It's never that too difficult to find reasonably priced Tiffany wholesale jewelry to get you [U][B]pandora[/U][/B] started on your way to being financially independent. The Internet is actually a good place [B]pandora bangles[/B] to start. You virtually spend nothing to find the supplier you are seeking. No need to be technically knowledgeable to find [U]tiffany sets][/U] your valuable information, a simple understanding of how to operate the computer and use a reliable search [B]tiffany engagement rings[/B] engine is all you need.
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The key to a profitable and lucrative business is to build a [U][B]pandora necklaces[/U][/B] large customer base. In order for you to get customers to comeback you must be [B][URL=]tiffany pendants[/URL][/B] able to please them with the quality of your items as well as the attractiveness of your designs. Always find unique [U][B]tiffany jewellery[/U][/B] and stylish designs, you wouldn't want to sell everybody else is selling. If your pieces are just ok and plain you may have difficulty [U][B]tiffany[/U][/B] keeping faithful customers. Aside from having quality merchandise you [U][B]pandora beads[/U][/B] also should be pricing them reasonably, not too expensive but not too cheap. Always make [B]tiffany jewellery[/B] your customers feel special in finding the best priced jewelries they [U][B]tiffany & co[/U][/B] can find.
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At 5:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tiffany's jewelry is world famous company and if [B][URL=]tiffany rings[/URL][/B] you cannot afford the actual jewelry there are a lot of Tiffany inspired jewelry to choose from. While Tiffany's [B]tiffany earrings[/B] has produced some more affordable pieces like key chains and money clips [U]pandora jewellery[/U] for those wanting the elegant pieces without the price tag there are other options. Tiffany produces bracelets, rings, earrings [U][B]tiffany earrings[/U][/B] and necklaces.
Besides the traditional Tiffany's style, the jewelry [B]tiffany[/B] comes in the traditional blue box and you can even find Tiffany inspired jewelry that [B][URL=]pandora jewellery[/URL][/B] reproduces the Tiffany style down to the box. Tiffany jewelry is traditionally sterling [U][B]tiffany co[/U][/B] silver as the Tiffany Company has produced a special blend of silver that is very strong [U]pandora bangles[/U] and will last.
It is not a direct replica but it is inspired from the Tiffany style so [B][URL=]tiffany jewelry[/URL][/B] many of the pieces are very similar to Tiffany. Some companies [U][B]pandora bracelets[/U][/B] may even produce direct replicas. The main difference between real Tiffany's jewelry [U]tiffany bracelets[/U] and the inspired version jewelry is the price tag. They are just as beautiful [U][B]tiffany charms[/U][/B] and classic as the real ones but at much more affordable prices. If you aspire for [B]tiffany jewelry[/B] a piece of Tiffany's then you should investigate Tiffany inspired jewelry.
Tiffany also offers men's jewelry and you can find Tiffany's inspired jewelry [B]tiffany necklaces[/B] from their men's line. There is a huge array of cufflinks available with two tone cufflinks, woven cufflinks and love knot [U][B]tiffany charms[/U][/B] cufflinks to name but a few. Other men's [U][B]pandora bracelet[/U][/B] jewelry include pendants, chains, heavy mesh rings, eternal cross pendants, dice key chains, golf [U]tiffany engagement rings[/U] club money clip, sterling silver dollar sign money [U]tiffany earrings[/U] clips and dog tag pendants.
At 12:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Trying to find an innovative and lucrative [B][URL=]tiffany[/URL][/B] business? A business on sterling silver jewelries may just be the one you are [U][B]tiffany engagement rings[/U][/B] looking for. It's never that too difficult to find reasonably priced Tiffany wholesale jewelry to get you [U][B]pandora bracelet[/U][/B] started on your way to being financially independent. The Internet is actually a good place [B]pandora jewellery[/B] to start. You virtually spend nothing to find the supplier you are seeking. No need to be technically knowledgeable to find [U]tiffany uk][/U] your valuable information, a simple understanding of how to operate the computer and use a reliable search [B]tiffany[/B] engine is all you need.
Once you find your tiffany wholesale supplier, your quest [U][B]pandora necklaces[/U][/B] doesn't end there. You need to understand jewelry selling basics and selecting the styles that are most appropriate [B]tiffany sets[/B] for your niche market as well as having the eye for designs that will [U]tiffany london][/U] most likely sell. You must also learn the tricks of finding out which jewelry pieces are [B]pandora beads[/B] of superior quality. There are an abundant source of suppliers for Tiffany wholesale jewelry, you just need [B][URL=]pandora jewelry[/URL][/B] to have that discriminating taste in ensuring you get to the best source. In this business, if you start with low quality [U]tiffany uk][/U] pieces, your business will suffer.
The key to a profitable and lucrative business is to build a [U][B]pandora jewelry[/U][/B] large customer base. In order for you to get customers to comeback you must be [B][URL=]tiffany jewellery[/URL][/B] able to please them with the quality of your items as well as the attractiveness of your designs. Always find unique [U][B]tiffany jewellery[/U][/B] and stylish designs, you wouldn't want to sell everybody else is selling. If your pieces are just ok and plain you may have difficulty [U][B]tiffany london[/U][/B] keeping faithful customers. Aside from having quality merchandise you [U][B]pandora jewellery[/U][/B] also should be pricing them reasonably, not too expensive but not too cheap. Always make [B]tiffany[/B] your customers feel special in finding the best priced jewelries they [U][B]tiffany[/U][/B] can find.
Finally you will have to decide how you want to sell [B]tiffany earrings[/B] your items. E-commerce is of course very interesting but then in-store is also great [U][B]pandora bracelet[/U][/B] because nothing can beat the appeal of seeing the Tiffany jewelry pieces in person. It basically ends [U][B]tiffany & co[/U][/B] with how much you can invest in the business e-commerce will be favorable if you want to cut [U]pandora bracelet[/U] down on overhead expenses. On the other hand in-store selling may just make up for expenses of maintaining a [U]tiffany sets][/U] showroom because customer find tangible [B]pandora jewelry[/B] stores are easier to trust.
At 9:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tiffany's jewelry is world famous company [B][URL=]tiffany earrings[/URL][/B] and if you cannot afford the actual jewelry there are a lot of Tiffany inspired jewelry to choose [U]baltimore tiffany jewelry[/U] from. While Tiffany's has produced some more [B]tiffany company jewelry[/B] affordable pieces like key chains and [U][B]replica tiffany jewelry[/U][/B] money clips for those wanting the elegant pieces without the price tag there are other options. Tiffany produces bracelets, rings, earrings [B]tiffany jewellery uk[/B] and necklaces.
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