Black Men Don't Whisper
I love watching Jesse's Obama-Nuts gaffe on YouTube, but I always end up kinda feeling bad for him. I'm sure he actually wants to rip Obama's nuts from his crotch, he said so and caught on a hot mic, but he didn't wanna get caught, I don't think. Poor geezer.
Don't get it twisted, I think it was preposterously dumb what he did. I mean, I have a proclivity for being's actually quite miraculous that, to be so tragically obese, I'm flexible enough to perpetually stick my foot in my mouth; but when I'm on television and hooked with a mic, I keep my El Salvadorian jokes to myself. It actually boggles the mind that Jesse would ever say something so inflammatory with a camera pointed at him and a mic near his mouth. But he did. Apparently his frustration (and likely jealousy) is/was so strong, that he couldn't hold it in. He was like the biblical Jeremiah in that way, I guess. His urge to let some one know that he wanted to paw Obama's nads from tween his legs was so strong that he had to get it out there and then. Problem is, he's a man -- a black man at whispering wasn't an option. If J could've leaned over and softly whispered that vitriol, he would have. Except, well, that would've been, hmmm, how do I say this, uhhh, well, that would have been really gay.
Men don't whisper, unless they're trying to seduce a woman. Whispering is typically viewed one of two ways: effeminate or sexual. If Jesse would have leaned over and whispered to that black man (whose name escapes me), that black man may have have elbowed him in the chin. I'm sure there's going to be some schmuck reading this saying, "hey, wait a second there, fella. I whisper to my pals all the time." To you, I offer a pat on the back, a doggy biscuit and some sage advice: stop whispering in other men's ears, sir. I ask my fellow mates: how often have you felt some man's hot negro/anglo breath seeping into your ear or down the side of your neck? Probably never, right?
Jesse hit us with the gangsta move. Did you see him? His lips were severely pursed, his neck was taut and he spoke his castration plans through gritted teeth. In a way, it was similar to what big, old black woman do at baptist churches. "Look at that skirt that this heffa got on." Big ol black women at baptist churches do this not because they're adversed to whispering, but because the physical act of whispering is too much of a spectacle. Jesse did it because a man should never have his mouth anywhere near another man's ear lobe.
Trust me, if Amy Holmes would have been seated next to the Rev, he'd have leaned in for a whisper in a second. "Amy, I hate Barack just like you do. Talkin down to the black folks. I wanna remove his primate genitalia. Anyways, whatchu doin after this, sweet thang? Why don't you come back to my hotel for Operation Push." Why? Because Amy is a sexy lil somethin and the Rev would have been OK with getting close enogh to smell her perfume. But he didn't wanna smell that black man's (name still escaping) stetson cologne.
It's too bad. Now he's getting pounced on. Women deal with menstrual cycles and child births. Men can't whisper to other men. I'm struggling to determine who's got it worse.
Don't get it twisted, I think it was preposterously dumb what he did. I mean, I have a proclivity for being's actually quite miraculous that, to be so tragically obese, I'm flexible enough to perpetually stick my foot in my mouth; but when I'm on television and hooked with a mic, I keep my El Salvadorian jokes to myself. It actually boggles the mind that Jesse would ever say something so inflammatory with a camera pointed at him and a mic near his mouth. But he did. Apparently his frustration (and likely jealousy) is/was so strong, that he couldn't hold it in. He was like the biblical Jeremiah in that way, I guess. His urge to let some one know that he wanted to paw Obama's nads from tween his legs was so strong that he had to get it out there and then. Problem is, he's a man -- a black man at whispering wasn't an option. If J could've leaned over and softly whispered that vitriol, he would have. Except, well, that would've been, hmmm, how do I say this, uhhh, well, that would have been really gay.
Men don't whisper, unless they're trying to seduce a woman. Whispering is typically viewed one of two ways: effeminate or sexual. If Jesse would have leaned over and whispered to that black man (whose name escapes me), that black man may have have elbowed him in the chin. I'm sure there's going to be some schmuck reading this saying, "hey, wait a second there, fella. I whisper to my pals all the time." To you, I offer a pat on the back, a doggy biscuit and some sage advice: stop whispering in other men's ears, sir. I ask my fellow mates: how often have you felt some man's hot negro/anglo breath seeping into your ear or down the side of your neck? Probably never, right?
Jesse hit us with the gangsta move. Did you see him? His lips were severely pursed, his neck was taut and he spoke his castration plans through gritted teeth. In a way, it was similar to what big, old black woman do at baptist churches. "Look at that skirt that this heffa got on." Big ol black women at baptist churches do this not because they're adversed to whispering, but because the physical act of whispering is too much of a spectacle. Jesse did it because a man should never have his mouth anywhere near another man's ear lobe.
Trust me, if Amy Holmes would have been seated next to the Rev, he'd have leaned in for a whisper in a second. "Amy, I hate Barack just like you do. Talkin down to the black folks. I wanna remove his primate genitalia. Anyways, whatchu doin after this, sweet thang? Why don't you come back to my hotel for Operation Push." Why? Because Amy is a sexy lil somethin and the Rev would have been OK with getting close enogh to smell her perfume. But he didn't wanna smell that black man's (name still escaping) stetson cologne.
It's too bad. Now he's getting pounced on. Women deal with menstrual cycles and child births. Men can't whisper to other men. I'm struggling to determine who's got it worse.
At 6:58 PM,
Meezy said…
The reply to your last sentence is undoubtedly women. Keep thinking uncontrollable rage and watermelon through a key hole........
At 12:21 AM,
Shelly said…
Just a question. How much longer can Rev. Jackson continue to act “unchristian” (if that’s a word) before he has to drop the title Reverend and just go by Jesse? I mean acting as Bill Clinton’s spiritual advisor after the Monica Lewinski scandal all the while fathering a love child of his own. And now dogging Obama behind what he thought was closed doors and singing his praises in public, very two faced. I think he has shown himself to be a typical politician and a hypocrite, not a man of god. My mother always says (of him and Al Sharpton) if they are Reverends, where is there church…they don’t have one! Everyone is a hypocrite sometimes but Jesse is doing too much and should be stripped of his title. BTW have you seen the South Park episode where someone used the “N” word and had to kiss Jesse’s ass to get back in the black communities good graces, hilarious. Not to sound so judgmental, I know people of faith aren’t perfect and they sometimes ride the fence trying to find there way or simply wanting to have the best of both worlds, but as far as Jesse, enough is enough.
And yes women have it MUCH harder.
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