It's on the way...
You know it's comin'. The Commish's 2005-6 NBA gospel. I'm giddy right now. Even thinkin about koppin DirectTV's NBA package if I can break it up in to three bills, which I think I can. That way, I can tape every Lakers and Wiz game with my TiVo.
There's some sadness with this particular season, though: No one to share it with.
I've never began an NBA season anywhere other than Buff or DC. In Buff I had my Pops and all my crew to revel with. In DC I had the fellas.
This year, it's just me. Outside of a couple email exchanges I've had with the Fellas in DC and a convo I had with Pops about Amare and an email string about the Knicks with my Long Island's been a lonely preseason.
It comes with the territory, though.
Check me tomorrow for the Preview though. And then, after that, it's back to regular blogging...I've been lazy lately.
There's some sadness with this particular season, though: No one to share it with.
I've never began an NBA season anywhere other than Buff or DC. In Buff I had my Pops and all my crew to revel with. In DC I had the fellas.
This year, it's just me. Outside of a couple email exchanges I've had with the Fellas in DC and a convo I had with Pops about Amare and an email string about the Knicks with my Long Island's been a lonely preseason.
It comes with the territory, though.
Check me tomorrow for the Preview though. And then, after that, it's back to regular blogging...I've been lazy lately.
At 1:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am jealouse of the NBA package!!!Sorry you can't be here with us to watch, I am incredibly excited. Looking forward the the Commish's gospel, as I am sure I and others will have plenty to say. Real quick,I will have more after the Commish, I'm sure Rookie of the Year-Chris Paul, MVP-King James/Kobina close second, Spurs-Rockets(tracy has to be healthy)WCF, Heat-Pacers ECF, Spurs-Heat final, Heat champs, Shaq dominates, flash gets busy. Cleveland and Labron are in the playoffs 27,8 boards, 9 assists. Lakers are in too Kobe over 30 a nite, he is ready to become MJ.
At 3:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Word man, you're getting laxed on the Blog tip. I look forward to my 3-4pm time slot when I read what you have to say. The past few weeks have SUCK'd. Get on the good foot, and write something. Something intresting that I can think about. 2ub...
At 9:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
NBA time big boi. The rooks may make a lil noise this year. Watch out for the Bucks. Simmons may be the sleeper of the east. As for the Knicks, you know how I get down. Give them until All Star break to get their cans in Larry Brown mode. Look for some more roster moves too. Exciting times in New Yitty baby! Well... it is of course just the first week. Usually all of our enthusiasm is curbed by week 2. Yea. Nix.
At 9:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
By the way... come back player of the year, TJ Ford. Rook Of The Year - Chris Paul. Finals - Heat/Rockets (if Swift does what he's supposed to). MVP - anyone but QUO-BE. BELEE dat. Lebron has a monstrous year. 'Melo gets back on track. Knix make playoffs. Larry Brown quits.
At 10:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
Aiight. Twist...I'm getting annoyed at the lack of stuff to read. League MVP I'm saying Garnett or Oneal. Rookie of the year Ray Felton or Chris Paul. Finals Miami/Houston or Miami/San Antonio. Bottom line Homey write something. I'm Bored. 2
At 11:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Check it, Iverson has 35. Webber has 32 and they lose and to the Bucks how stupid is that. OH, and a very small side note has anyone noticed Tim Ducan's hair lately, i mean how ridiculous but who really cares when your sure to drop 20 and 15 a game.
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