It's Not a Game
I'd say a little more than half Twist visitors are women and less than half are sports fans, so I don't mean to bore you with another sports related posts. But as you know, sports ain't nuthin but sociology havin some fun. Which brings me to two matters, Dungy and Manning; and Shaq and Kobe.
-- The Shaq and Kobe pound and hug yesterday was an incredible statement if you ask me. Trust that it wouldn't have happened if it werent MLK Day and that's my word. Yeah Russ encouraged Shaq to make amends, but do you really think that was the first time that someone Shaq deeply respected told him to quit actin like a spiteful bish? I sky-highly doubt it.
But sometimes -- and I'm talkin about an every-once-in-a-blue-moon sometimes -- these stupid secular holidays actually make people take a step back and think. Like, maybe three times in the last 30 years there may have been someone who actually thought Jesus and not electronics on his fake birthday. And maybe, this one time, some black people REALLY considered the life of MLK and what that meant.
Boondocks, which is absolutely murdering it right now, I mean, classic, revolutionary, historic, landmark type ish is happening on Sundays at 11pm...anyways, Boondocks Sunday episode had MLK wake up out of a coma in 2000, aghasted at what his marching and near martydom had produced, which was a wayward black community. It ended with MLK giving a "nigga" filled speech at a church and announcing he was moving to Canada. The monologue at the end really did make a nigga pause and think about the black communities priorities and direction and, if nothing else (especially for someone like me who doesnt celebrate birthdays) thats what something like MLK Day might do. And, I think Shaq was moved.
Think about how nigligent and defeatist it would have been for the two biggest NBA stars to continue that petty, derisive beef in front of millions, as black men, on the only day this piss-wack country seems to acknowledge black-accomplishment.
You can tell it was a weight off each others shoulders. The punded up like 3 times. It got to the point that some started speculating whether it was a move for the cameras and not genuine or sincere. OF COURSE it was a move for the cameras, it was MLK Day and this was two black millionaire susper stars showing some solidarity. But i also believe it was genuine. I totally expect The Judges to come with a bunch of cynicsm and snarky-smarm...but it won't change the fact that the Shaq-Kobe truce was probably the most compelling moment of the season for me. I hope the kids got a chance to stay and watch the begginning of that game or watched sportscenter this morning and learned something from that. u'd be surprised how much weight these athletes hold. Kudos to my blodd-brother Kobe and my prodigal-nigga Shaq-Dies.
-- I'm gonna hit this Dungy and Manning thing really quick, because I'm sure some of my compadres are already expecting this.
FACT: during the 13 game winning streak, Dungy played a distant secondary role to the genius of Peyton Manning. Sure Dungy had the defense finally playing sufficient football, but it was Manning's genius that had grown to other-worldy magnitude. If the Colts were to go all the way, it'd be because Manning walked up to the line and pointed in three different directioons and changed plays 6 times. That Manning is so astute.
FACT: the defense held Pitt to a semi-respectable 21 points, a total the vaunted Colts offense shouldve been able to deal with, especially since the Colts kept Pitt off the board for the latter portion opf of the game. Manning and the Colts offense, who managed to score 3 points in the first half, couldn't bring the business, though. Manning gave us these hero-legend-halloffame-cementing drives: the last drive of the second quarter when his genius couldnt even get the Colts in field-goal range so they could go into halftime with some momentum. The interception late in the fourth quarter that the refs negligently overturned. The stupid and errant 3-2 pass on the last possession. As smart and genius as Manning was, he wasn't keen enough to get the first down? Ya boy played horrible.
FACT: This dude, in my estimation, is a loser. He's never won a big game. Let's get this straight, Elway didn;t need those last two super bowls. homeboy had already been to 3. Marino went to a SuperBowl his second year and he also never operated with and Edgerin James. Ya boy Manning is a mark. Yet, The Judges have, for some reason, chosen to look at this rationally and try to be objective about things. Smells like haddock.
FACT: I'm not sure what happened during that 4-down Manning wave off. But I do know this, because people give Manning SO MUCH credit for the offense and trivialize Dungy's role, they automatically believed that Manning was usurping Dungy's shakey, nigger-authority. If Brady wouldve done that Belichek, I GUARANTEE the announcers would have said something like, "Oops, looks like the punt team got a bit antsy. Belichek and Brady are gonna go for it."
REQUEST: Can we please dispense with all praise of Manning until he plays well in a big playoff game. Maybe the squad loses by 3 or 7 points, but as long as Manning shows-n-proves. Until then, I don't care if the dude has 4,500 yards by Week 9 and 78 TDs by Week 6. I'm not trying to hear no accolade thrown his way. Not after four seasons of this submarine act.
And it's not just MAnning, on the hoops side, I'm like that with Lebron, and thats my lil brother. But ask my niggas what I've been joke, this is the last season of lil dude's grace period. If the Cavs fail to make the playoffs this year (baby steps) then I don;t wanna hear anymore "O Gosh Bron is the greatest" from anyone. Niggas gotta start winning something meaningful.
-- The Shaq and Kobe pound and hug yesterday was an incredible statement if you ask me. Trust that it wouldn't have happened if it werent MLK Day and that's my word. Yeah Russ encouraged Shaq to make amends, but do you really think that was the first time that someone Shaq deeply respected told him to quit actin like a spiteful bish? I sky-highly doubt it.
But sometimes -- and I'm talkin about an every-once-in-a-blue-moon sometimes -- these stupid secular holidays actually make people take a step back and think. Like, maybe three times in the last 30 years there may have been someone who actually thought Jesus and not electronics on his fake birthday. And maybe, this one time, some black people REALLY considered the life of MLK and what that meant.
Boondocks, which is absolutely murdering it right now, I mean, classic, revolutionary, historic, landmark type ish is happening on Sundays at 11pm...anyways, Boondocks Sunday episode had MLK wake up out of a coma in 2000, aghasted at what his marching and near martydom had produced, which was a wayward black community. It ended with MLK giving a "nigga" filled speech at a church and announcing he was moving to Canada. The monologue at the end really did make a nigga pause and think about the black communities priorities and direction and, if nothing else (especially for someone like me who doesnt celebrate birthdays) thats what something like MLK Day might do. And, I think Shaq was moved.
Think about how nigligent and defeatist it would have been for the two biggest NBA stars to continue that petty, derisive beef in front of millions, as black men, on the only day this piss-wack country seems to acknowledge black-accomplishment.
You can tell it was a weight off each others shoulders. The punded up like 3 times. It got to the point that some started speculating whether it was a move for the cameras and not genuine or sincere. OF COURSE it was a move for the cameras, it was MLK Day and this was two black millionaire susper stars showing some solidarity. But i also believe it was genuine. I totally expect The Judges to come with a bunch of cynicsm and snarky-smarm...but it won't change the fact that the Shaq-Kobe truce was probably the most compelling moment of the season for me. I hope the kids got a chance to stay and watch the begginning of that game or watched sportscenter this morning and learned something from that. u'd be surprised how much weight these athletes hold. Kudos to my blodd-brother Kobe and my prodigal-nigga Shaq-Dies.
-- I'm gonna hit this Dungy and Manning thing really quick, because I'm sure some of my compadres are already expecting this.
FACT: during the 13 game winning streak, Dungy played a distant secondary role to the genius of Peyton Manning. Sure Dungy had the defense finally playing sufficient football, but it was Manning's genius that had grown to other-worldy magnitude. If the Colts were to go all the way, it'd be because Manning walked up to the line and pointed in three different directioons and changed plays 6 times. That Manning is so astute.
FACT: the defense held Pitt to a semi-respectable 21 points, a total the vaunted Colts offense shouldve been able to deal with, especially since the Colts kept Pitt off the board for the latter portion opf of the game. Manning and the Colts offense, who managed to score 3 points in the first half, couldn't bring the business, though. Manning gave us these hero-legend-halloffame-cementing drives: the last drive of the second quarter when his genius couldnt even get the Colts in field-goal range so they could go into halftime with some momentum. The interception late in the fourth quarter that the refs negligently overturned. The stupid and errant 3-2 pass on the last possession. As smart and genius as Manning was, he wasn't keen enough to get the first down? Ya boy played horrible.
FACT: This dude, in my estimation, is a loser. He's never won a big game. Let's get this straight, Elway didn;t need those last two super bowls. homeboy had already been to 3. Marino went to a SuperBowl his second year and he also never operated with and Edgerin James. Ya boy Manning is a mark. Yet, The Judges have, for some reason, chosen to look at this rationally and try to be objective about things. Smells like haddock.
FACT: I'm not sure what happened during that 4-down Manning wave off. But I do know this, because people give Manning SO MUCH credit for the offense and trivialize Dungy's role, they automatically believed that Manning was usurping Dungy's shakey, nigger-authority. If Brady wouldve done that Belichek, I GUARANTEE the announcers would have said something like, "Oops, looks like the punt team got a bit antsy. Belichek and Brady are gonna go for it."
REQUEST: Can we please dispense with all praise of Manning until he plays well in a big playoff game. Maybe the squad loses by 3 or 7 points, but as long as Manning shows-n-proves. Until then, I don't care if the dude has 4,500 yards by Week 9 and 78 TDs by Week 6. I'm not trying to hear no accolade thrown his way. Not after four seasons of this submarine act.
And it's not just MAnning, on the hoops side, I'm like that with Lebron, and thats my lil brother. But ask my niggas what I've been joke, this is the last season of lil dude's grace period. If the Cavs fail to make the playoffs this year (baby steps) then I don;t wanna hear anymore "O Gosh Bron is the greatest" from anyone. Niggas gotta start winning something meaningful.
At 7:09 PM,
Not Your Average Chimichanga said…
two things that have gotten as old as the cheese stuck behind the fridge...
ONE: peyton manning is the best QB in the game. no, he's not. he's the best FANTASY QB. he's the best 13-14-week QB. he is not the best QB. i like my QB's with balls (brady), not thongs (peyton).
TWO: i'm sooooooo sick of fools saying they'd take 'bron over kobe. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? kobe could get bron's team to the playoffs in the west or the east. 'bron couldn't get the lakers to the playoffs, even if they were playing in Class C in high school.
love 'bron's future, but his present is limited. he puts up pretty numbers, but does stuff like, oh...not play any defense for 48 minutes.
kobe is playing D, O, and doing everything in between. is he a bitch ass nigga? of course. but that's off the court. on the court, that fool is cold. and trust me, my hata instincts are flaring because i've got to give this dude ultimate credit.
At 7:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
OK,OK where do I begin.
1. Kobe and Shaq givin bear hugs and pounds is beautiful, that lame fued was just that lame, get over ya big baby.
2. Dungy and Manning, true Dungy gets it from all over partially because of his race, but also because he has gone into the post season several times as the favorite, in Tampa and Indi, and has yet to make it to the super bowl, if winning the big game is the end all be all to being great, then Tony has to be to blame in some regaurd. Manning aparently gets rattled in big games, thats obviouse, but people who are putting so much weight on Peyton for the loss are not giving the Steelers D any credit. They had tremendous pressure on Peyton all game. Twist your reaching on the 4th down play, Peyton pulled a "G" move, by telling the punt team to get back off the field. And that my friend is what you would have called it if it were Donovan, or Vick.
3. Labron obviously needs to win some games and get his team into the playoffs, but I mean really the kid just turned 21. The other NBA gods were still playing college ball at that age, with the exception of Magic i believe, who was winning a title, but he was also playing with Kareem. Kobe had LA last year as his team and they would have made the playoffs last year if he hadnt gotten hurt, as an 8th seed, but Kobe is a vet, this is his 10th year. Kobe wasnt the defender that he is now early on, not to mention that he had Shaq in his prime behind him. Ease off my man Labron, give him some time, its coming. And lets not get it twisted, the things that kid does on the court and the numbers he puts up are nuts. Last thing...20-15 and 21-17...cleveland and LA records respectively.
At 1:32 PM,
Twistinado said…
J: You're such a jitterbug. She actually used the word "cold" as a superlative which is how every black man that drinks wild-irish rose would describe Kobe's game -- especially my pops and uncle ronnie.
G: maybe i need to start grammar and spell-checking my posts, because my points are obviously getting lost in the horrible sentence structure. I'm not askin anyone to annoint Dungy the greatest coach. i feel as though criticism for his failure to win a Bowl is warranted. But no one calls Dungy the greatest ever, for that specific reason. People wanna call Manning the greatest ever, totally turning a blind-eye to the fact that he's a loser.
the 4th down move was definitely OG. My point was the reaction of the sportscasters. Dungy said after the game that he was in Peyton's ear already telling him to go for whether thats true or he was trying to save face, i don't know. My point is that the judges automatically couched it as Manning usurping Dungy's authority. they didn't for a second sit back and think that Dungy had already given the OK and the punt team was acting on misscommunication. their reaction rvealed what they thought about who's running that ship.
And you know i love Lebron like I love Adam and Christian, but I gotta treat dude like a treat everyone else. He's getting the rest of this year as a pass from me. but if his team doesnt make the playoffs or gets swept by some scrub squad, then he's going on Peyton list. It's only right.
At 1:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Young Twist, the judges have annointed peyton because he puts up insane numbers during the regular season, but they also criticize him for not winning in the playoffs. I mean really, they did start the season 13-0...and last year he did have like a trillion touchdowns and a gazillion yards....and him and harrison do have a billion touchdowns...that being said..I agree he needs to win. On the flip side though, Marino only went to one super bowl, and lost...but he is still great because in the regular season he put up astranomical numbers and has every QB record out there...
Im not worried about King James...its comin
At 2:03 PM,
Twistinado said…
Gee: this is an undisputed can't call anyone the greatest ever or hint at that if they've never ever ever never won a big game. Mannin has NEVER won a big game.
At 5:48 PM,
Not Your Average Chimichanga said…
Gee: seriously, never say GREAT and MANNING in the same sentence. he's a good QB, but until he proves himself in the playoffs, he can't be that great.
now, i'm not saying all QBs have to prove themselves in the playoffs to be considered great. but here's the difference between Peyton and Marino (another comparison i'm reeeeally tired of).
marino never had a back like edge. and, marino actually got to the super bowl. marino never had the type of cakewalk to the Bowl that peyton did.
and here's the other thing: how can you call a QB great if you can't trust him the playoffs? are you telling me that if your team was going to the playoffs, you'd rather have peyton over any other QB? hell-to-the-naw you wouldn't. you'd take brady, maybe b-roth, or maybe jake delhomme.
how can he be great if there are others you'd rather have than him in a big-game, playoff situation?
with marino, there was just no bitch factor. the reason he didn't make it there consistently was because he always had a one-dimensional team. i'd take marino to the playoffs. that manning kid? nope.
At 9:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Alright, obviously Peyton is no Marino, that is just the obviouse "Great" QB that still has the stigma of not winning a super bowl. Even with Elway, before he won the super bowl, he was great, he had great game winning drives, but couldn't quite get it done in the super bowl...he didnt just get to be "Great" until he won.
I never said Peyton was great, but he puts up great numbers in the regular season and that can't be denied. He has a great command of his offense and a great ability to read the the regular season...I didn't say he was great, my whole thing is that at times I think people are to hard on the dude....after they praise him all season long for his "greatness". Obviosly he needs to win some games before he can be great, not necessarily a super bowl, but it would help...but atleast get to a couple...
I would also like to point out that J said "HELL TO THE NAW" you clown.
BTW did you all hear about the dude that had a heart attack when Bettis fumbled...thats what you call love for your team!!!
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