No water
Yo. I come home and my eff-you-see-kayin. excuse the child's profanity, but...I mean...MY EFF YOU SEE KAYIN WATER IS OFF!!!
And I don't know why. I just paid those mofos. The foul thing is that I can't even inquire about this until tomorrow morning. So now I gotta go to work and get a shower.
I'm about to pose a serious question to all of the Twist visitors that know me: Do the random things that befall me happen to you too?
I swear I'm the victim of the most can't-script-that annoyances in the world. Today is a perfect example. I come home sweaty from the gym, rushin to get to the meeting and, of course, the water is off.
I mean, I'm not Nisan Spicer -- who, back in the early 90s, used to finish ballin in his backyard around 7:10 pm, knowing the bookstudy started at 7:30...and just used to change his draws and run a soapy cloth over sandy-blonde-haired armpits. I can't do that. So this water situation was the most annoying occurence that could've went down in my present situation.
I can't tell you how many times this has happened and in how many ways. My life can eerily resemble a bad-good movie like Pure Luck.
When I think about it, though, it all comes back to my defiant shoulder-shrug that I give to punctuality. I'm tellin you guys, it's hubris. And I just can't stop it. All I can do is whine-blog about my self-induced travails and offer quasi-acknowledgements about my total disregard for scheduling and puncuality.
It's real sad...because I'm always on time for open bars.
And I don't know why. I just paid those mofos. The foul thing is that I can't even inquire about this until tomorrow morning. So now I gotta go to work and get a shower.
I'm about to pose a serious question to all of the Twist visitors that know me: Do the random things that befall me happen to you too?
I swear I'm the victim of the most can't-script-that annoyances in the world. Today is a perfect example. I come home sweaty from the gym, rushin to get to the meeting and, of course, the water is off.
I mean, I'm not Nisan Spicer -- who, back in the early 90s, used to finish ballin in his backyard around 7:10 pm, knowing the bookstudy started at 7:30...and just used to change his draws and run a soapy cloth over sandy-blonde-haired armpits. I can't do that. So this water situation was the most annoying occurence that could've went down in my present situation.
I can't tell you how many times this has happened and in how many ways. My life can eerily resemble a bad-good movie like Pure Luck.
When I think about it, though, it all comes back to my defiant shoulder-shrug that I give to punctuality. I'm tellin you guys, it's hubris. And I just can't stop it. All I can do is whine-blog about my self-induced travails and offer quasi-acknowledgements about my total disregard for scheduling and puncuality.
It's real sad...because I'm always on time for open bars.
At 8:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Little Brother is off the hook
At 10:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
stuff like that only happens to you. i love an open bar too, the blue room is my spot almost every thursday night. twist, you would have been proud took down 9, in an hour and a half and 2 more after 10. i am officially a lush, not quite on your level though, and not working on it, there are limits to what i will drink.
At 5:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't know if my name shows up but this is Deb.
No, this happened to me right after I paid them too. But please believe I was on the phone with them that night about to cuss them out. It was turned back on the very next day. And had they not come and done it, my co-worker was going to come over and show me how to turn it back on. She said that her mother used to do it all the time when they were little, because she didn't have money to pay them.
At 6:05 PM,
Twistinado said…
Gee: 9 drinks in an hour? at a public bar? nah, homey...u got me on that one.
deb, i wish i knew how to be the gangsta that oversteps the water company and turns the water BACK on. that's dope. i'm a square though. so i had to go to their offices and find out what went down. and you know it has everything to do with Mary. the saga continues.
At 9:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
gee! i didn't know you went to the blue room every thursday night! i always plan to go, then fall asleep. last night, i was out on the couch at 9p. imma catch you one of these days.
At 7:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
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