I had the pleasure of viewing Idiocracy the other day. Idiocracy is a film from Mike Judge who gave us all the gift that is Office Space and the 90s gem (or garbage, depending on your take) Beavis and Butthead. The premise -- in short -- is that Luke Wilson and Maya Rudolph are accidentally cryogenically frozen for 500 years and after a a trash avalance (literally) their pods are opened in the year 2550 to a world full of idiots. Luke Wilson was a very average slacker by today's standards and Rudolph was a 'stute (my short-term for prostitute) whose pimp was played by Scarface, who went by the name of Upgraydde. This slacker and prostitute were relative geniuses in 2550, surrounded by a bunch of low-brow retards. The population became overwhlemingly stupid -- as the story has it -- because during our day, the dumb, dense and stupid continued to breed at alrming rates, while intelligent humans were either preoccupied by careers, only had one child or the cruel gods rendered capable men impotent and the capable women were cursed with barren wombs.
All the questionable and concerning trends of today spiraled to comical and ridiculous depths. You should check the flick, its comedy.
What I found most entertaining was Judge's version of the most stupid Americans, namely: poor white trash, immigrants (primarily mexicans), frat-boy jocks and blondes. Conspicuosly absent from most of his satire were niggas, who can rival any underbelly-underclass when it comes to sheer ignorance and irresponsible baby-making, thus the perpetuation of a dumbing down of the human population. I guess us blacks has straight gangsta'd guilt-ridden whites into straight submission when it comes to making fun of us, whch is why a chick like Sarah Silverman is at once jarring/uncomfortable (and kinda sexy), but definitely fresh.
Anyways...before I fully digress...I found this fantasy world that Judge created to be not that farfetched. Poor and stupid people make a ton babies, partly because sex is a fun diversion from a pitiful life, partly because contraception is expensive, partly because -- if college, private school, family vacations, little league, dance classes, etc arent a part of your version of your version of child-rearing -- tax write-offs can help. I read a story in the NY Times that said SAT scores dropped across the board...they dropped because more kids are taking them...I read that as, more regular, stupid, porr kids are taking the SATs. I absolutely believe that as America's population explodes, it's exploding with dumb folks. I meet less smart people everyday.
When is the last time you met someone and said to yourself, "Wow, that person seems sharp"?? But how do you meet or encounter someone -- say a hillbilly with a mullet or some schmuck rockin his jeans around his knees which forces him to waddle like a cripple with two broken hips -- and say, "That is one ignorant lout"??
There's only one way to reverse this troubling freefall toward a world full of rubes: all intelligent women, come and mate with your boy Twist, Big Love style. Will build a nation full of jerks with an obesity gene, but at least we'll bright.
All the questionable and concerning trends of today spiraled to comical and ridiculous depths. You should check the flick, its comedy.
What I found most entertaining was Judge's version of the most stupid Americans, namely: poor white trash, immigrants (primarily mexicans), frat-boy jocks and blondes. Conspicuosly absent from most of his satire were niggas, who can rival any underbelly-underclass when it comes to sheer ignorance and irresponsible baby-making, thus the perpetuation of a dumbing down of the human population. I guess us blacks has straight gangsta'd guilt-ridden whites into straight submission when it comes to making fun of us, whch is why a chick like Sarah Silverman is at once jarring/uncomfortable (and kinda sexy), but definitely fresh.
Anyways...before I fully digress...I found this fantasy world that Judge created to be not that farfetched. Poor and stupid people make a ton babies, partly because sex is a fun diversion from a pitiful life, partly because contraception is expensive, partly because -- if college, private school, family vacations, little league, dance classes, etc arent a part of your version of your version of child-rearing -- tax write-offs can help. I read a story in the NY Times that said SAT scores dropped across the board...they dropped because more kids are taking them...I read that as, more regular, stupid, porr kids are taking the SATs. I absolutely believe that as America's population explodes, it's exploding with dumb folks. I meet less smart people everyday.
When is the last time you met someone and said to yourself, "Wow, that person seems sharp"?? But how do you meet or encounter someone -- say a hillbilly with a mullet or some schmuck rockin his jeans around his knees which forces him to waddle like a cripple with two broken hips -- and say, "That is one ignorant lout"??
There's only one way to reverse this troubling freefall toward a world full of rubes: all intelligent women, come and mate with your boy Twist, Big Love style. Will build a nation full of jerks with an obesity gene, but at least we'll bright.
At 11:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
The thought that crossed my mind when you mentioned a lack of blacks was the Jetsons, no blacks. So my first thought wasn't that they were tired of us, but that we don't exist.
That could actually go much further...I think I may blog about this.
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