"This whole scene is wild!"
Got a lot ish to spit about. But you always have to begin things with what's most important and save the mundane issues for later. you gotta get at whats important in life, what carries the most weight and meaning. As such...
-- Let me offer some words on I Love New York...primarily the i love I Love New York (I'm typing as I think, here. As always: disregard spelling, grammar and puncuation).... I recor this show DVR every monday. There's a gap-tooth nigga that is about 25 goin on 13, New York named this dude "Chance". Chance turned in, perhaps, the greatest comical reality-TV performance ever.
There's nothing more hilarious than watching an harmless enraged person. Know why? Because the enraged person is aware that everyone has concluded that he/she is harmless and that fact is making the enraged person even more enraged. Niggas have problems with this, because niggas like to a lot of posturing. And I've explained the psyche behind a black-man's reaction to disrespect. Well when these combine, you have a posturing clown trying to use a comically un-intimidating version of intimidation to intimidate (got it)...usually because he's not capable of using words, logic, wit, intelligence or charisma to get what he wants. These are usually beaten men. So when this cornball-intimidation tactics renders no results, in fact its rendering laughter, dismissal, etc...the only thing a buffoon can do is ramp up the rage and intimidation-efforts to lunatic levels. That's where Chance went on the first episode. He lost it. When you combine this with the chasm between his front teeth, his broken english, the slurred speech of a scorned-toddler and the "i've lost it" saliva that coated his bottom lip throughout the show...well, we're talkin a classic performance. I watched this with my lil sis, P, who was literally writhing with laughter.
But then, this is also getting me to an issue that we talk about a lot on the blog: duality.
Shouts out to my girl Laila and my man Marc. I was with them at a bar, when the first episode orignally aired. The big tele had the nat championship game playing, so I Love NY was on a smaller tele, with no sound. Laila and Marc are two white friends I went to high school with. I specify their ethnicity only because I remember making a comment that night about how I feel guilty watching shows like Flavor of Love and I Love New York because blacks should really boycott that type of television. Now, I mean, i'm the same dude that (for the most part) refuses to watch BET because I feel like its disrespectful to blacks for that to be "our" channel. ESPECIALLY now that its owned by Viacom which owns MTV. Have you ever noticed that BET can run shows that air basically identical to a similar MTV show and the BET version will be ridiculously amateur, while the MTV production is slick and first rate. I'm talkin, the BET show will have a fuzzy picture, poor sound quality, the whole she-bang-bang. That ish sickens me. And even before the Viacom takeover, the actual programming has always been sophomoric, sometimes detrimental. So I swore it off.
But then you got me checkin hard for Flav and New York. It all has to do with self control. An image can be as nefarious and despicable as it can get, but if it makes me laugh, I get suckered in. Thats something I have to work on. Now, I dont know if Laila and Marc look to Flav and New York for cues on black America. matter fact...actually, yes I do...I'm sure they dont. but those images and that behavior displayed on that show can reinforce subliminal ish. I know this, because Real World used to do that for me (and white people are prolly the only race that isnt categorized by the images on television). If I had any balls, any fortitude, and self-control - I wouldnt watch Flav or New York. Maybe I'd even sign some petitions.
Not gonna happen, tho. As I type, I'm awaiting next week's episode where Tango (a grown azz snitch) and Whiteboy (a blue-eyed soul-brother) are set to clash again. Triflin? Word. Satisfying? Word.
That is all for now...more catching up to come later. Glad to be back, tho.
-- Let me offer some words on I Love New York...primarily the i love I Love New York (I'm typing as I think, here. As always: disregard spelling, grammar and puncuation).... I recor this show DVR every monday. There's a gap-tooth nigga that is about 25 goin on 13, New York named this dude "Chance". Chance turned in, perhaps, the greatest comical reality-TV performance ever.
There's nothing more hilarious than watching an harmless enraged person. Know why? Because the enraged person is aware that everyone has concluded that he/she is harmless and that fact is making the enraged person even more enraged. Niggas have problems with this, because niggas like to a lot of posturing. And I've explained the psyche behind a black-man's reaction to disrespect. Well when these combine, you have a posturing clown trying to use a comically un-intimidating version of intimidation to intimidate (got it)...usually because he's not capable of using words, logic, wit, intelligence or charisma to get what he wants. These are usually beaten men. So when this cornball-intimidation tactics renders no results, in fact its rendering laughter, dismissal, etc...the only thing a buffoon can do is ramp up the rage and intimidation-efforts to lunatic levels. That's where Chance went on the first episode. He lost it. When you combine this with the chasm between his front teeth, his broken english, the slurred speech of a scorned-toddler and the "i've lost it" saliva that coated his bottom lip throughout the show...well, we're talkin a classic performance. I watched this with my lil sis, P, who was literally writhing with laughter.
But then, this is also getting me to an issue that we talk about a lot on the blog: duality.
Shouts out to my girl Laila and my man Marc. I was with them at a bar, when the first episode orignally aired. The big tele had the nat championship game playing, so I Love NY was on a smaller tele, with no sound. Laila and Marc are two white friends I went to high school with. I specify their ethnicity only because I remember making a comment that night about how I feel guilty watching shows like Flavor of Love and I Love New York because blacks should really boycott that type of television. Now, I mean, i'm the same dude that (for the most part) refuses to watch BET because I feel like its disrespectful to blacks for that to be "our" channel. ESPECIALLY now that its owned by Viacom which owns MTV. Have you ever noticed that BET can run shows that air basically identical to a similar MTV show and the BET version will be ridiculously amateur, while the MTV production is slick and first rate. I'm talkin, the BET show will have a fuzzy picture, poor sound quality, the whole she-bang-bang. That ish sickens me. And even before the Viacom takeover, the actual programming has always been sophomoric, sometimes detrimental. So I swore it off.
But then you got me checkin hard for Flav and New York. It all has to do with self control. An image can be as nefarious and despicable as it can get, but if it makes me laugh, I get suckered in. Thats something I have to work on. Now, I dont know if Laila and Marc look to Flav and New York for cues on black America. matter fact...actually, yes I do...I'm sure they dont. but those images and that behavior displayed on that show can reinforce subliminal ish. I know this, because Real World used to do that for me (and white people are prolly the only race that isnt categorized by the images on television). If I had any balls, any fortitude, and self-control - I wouldnt watch Flav or New York. Maybe I'd even sign some petitions.
Not gonna happen, tho. As I type, I'm awaiting next week's episode where Tango (a grown azz snitch) and Whiteboy (a blue-eyed soul-brother) are set to clash again. Triflin? Word. Satisfying? Word.
That is all for now...more catching up to come later. Glad to be back, tho.
At 10:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
As a so called self respecting black man you should be ashamed of yourself for watching both Flav and New York. Talk about coonery, this is the pinacle of it. Shameful
At 10:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
I was thinking about you on the second episode of New York. When should kicked Romance off and he was like, "The way she just squashed me like that........unprofessional." HAHAHHA!!!! Classic stuff.
At 10:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yes im happy that youre back. But really stay on your grind. I hate to be pessimistic and i love you but . . .
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