October Snow
Yo, it's not even the middle of October, right? But dig, Buffalo is in the midst of the season's first snow storm. We're not talkin' bout some whimsical snowfall with the picturesque snowflakes that melt upon contact. This joint is full-blown. Trees are toppling. Electrical wires and power lines are snapping in half. Multi-car collissions on all the major expressways. Stranded cars.
Its actually the weirdest thing I've seen. We have this huge tree that sits on the font lawn and its limbs have now sagged down to the ground under the weight of the heavy snow. See, it's not exactly cold, so the snow is dense and heavy. Hence the tree limbs tumbling down and cracking car windshields.
Me and Moms both had episodes comin from our religious meeting at my uncle's crib. Moms whip wouldnt start (alternator, i think). Me? Locked my keys in the car outside the Jamaican spot. Once we got to our street, it looked like a snow blizzard AND a toronado hit. Moms, of course, couldnt navigate her Taurus up the driveway. But mostly because she was being dramatic. So she gets out to move a branch out of her way, only to get smacked on the top of her head by a falling tree limb...it jacked up her french beret. Comedy at its highest level, especially when coupled with her horro-flick screech that cause the neighborhood dogs to start barking.
Seconds letter, after I pulled both whips in the driveway, we heard a thud. That was a tree limb clunking down on top of my lil sis P's new whip. Moms screamed again, then my lil bro Chrish came running out to check on his new whip (everyone has new whips besides Twist).
When we all finally trudged in the house, we saw lightning, heard thunder, then a crack, then another Mom-screech. A huge tree limb from our neighbors tree had dropped in the middle of the riveway.
I'm tellin you, its mayhem out there.
As I was waiting for the locksmith to come jimmy my locks, I crossed the street and kopped a slice at Bailey Pizza. The joint was packed, standing room only style. Turns out, half the Bailey district didnt have power, so noone could cook, hence the swarm of Buffalonians koppin pies from one of the city's more pedestrian pizza places.
So...what's the logical next question: "Twist, I bet you miss Florida already, don't you."
But see, that's when your loss. I used to get on those ridiculous Florida summers and the lack of four seasons, a lot. And not just for my health. I was dead as a door-knob serious. Granted, the hassle that this day turned into is not wassup, but I kinda miss this actually. I threw on my boots, my leather and my game-face and got in Buff mode and it wasn't bad. Don't get me wrong, I don't plan on seeing this winter till its end, but I'm gonna enjoy it...just sux that winter started ALREADY. I mean, what gives?
Oh well, its off to DC (my other hometown) tomorrow morning for Howard Homecoming. That means a ton of partying and (due to my current situation) a ton of networking, too.
When I get back to Buff, next week, I'm gonna start a deluge of novel-blogs that'll make u wish I had a gig.
Its actually the weirdest thing I've seen. We have this huge tree that sits on the font lawn and its limbs have now sagged down to the ground under the weight of the heavy snow. See, it's not exactly cold, so the snow is dense and heavy. Hence the tree limbs tumbling down and cracking car windshields.
Me and Moms both had episodes comin from our religious meeting at my uncle's crib. Moms whip wouldnt start (alternator, i think). Me? Locked my keys in the car outside the Jamaican spot. Once we got to our street, it looked like a snow blizzard AND a toronado hit. Moms, of course, couldnt navigate her Taurus up the driveway. But mostly because she was being dramatic. So she gets out to move a branch out of her way, only to get smacked on the top of her head by a falling tree limb...it jacked up her french beret. Comedy at its highest level, especially when coupled with her horro-flick screech that cause the neighborhood dogs to start barking.
Seconds letter, after I pulled both whips in the driveway, we heard a thud. That was a tree limb clunking down on top of my lil sis P's new whip. Moms screamed again, then my lil bro Chrish came running out to check on his new whip (everyone has new whips besides Twist).
When we all finally trudged in the house, we saw lightning, heard thunder, then a crack, then another Mom-screech. A huge tree limb from our neighbors tree had dropped in the middle of the riveway.
I'm tellin you, its mayhem out there.
As I was waiting for the locksmith to come jimmy my locks, I crossed the street and kopped a slice at Bailey Pizza. The joint was packed, standing room only style. Turns out, half the Bailey district didnt have power, so noone could cook, hence the swarm of Buffalonians koppin pies from one of the city's more pedestrian pizza places.
So...what's the logical next question: "Twist, I bet you miss Florida already, don't you."
But see, that's when your loss. I used to get on those ridiculous Florida summers and the lack of four seasons, a lot. And not just for my health. I was dead as a door-knob serious. Granted, the hassle that this day turned into is not wassup, but I kinda miss this actually. I threw on my boots, my leather and my game-face and got in Buff mode and it wasn't bad. Don't get me wrong, I don't plan on seeing this winter till its end, but I'm gonna enjoy it...just sux that winter started ALREADY. I mean, what gives?
Oh well, its off to DC (my other hometown) tomorrow morning for Howard Homecoming. That means a ton of partying and (due to my current situation) a ton of networking, too.
When I get back to Buff, next week, I'm gonna start a deluge of novel-blogs that'll make u wish I had a gig.
At 10:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
I've out of work all last week and there not a new blog, dude that a problem. Dude get it together!!!
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