ED -- They got pills for it.
Situations. That's what Pops calls everything that many humans are embarrassed to say. Here's a quick Vince Sr. translation script for you: Vagina = situation. Breast = situations. Someone's butt crack = They situation.
(Pops also uses this in the midst of a putdown. So, a pair of busted sneakers become situations, or "Man, that dude's teeth were yellow." = "Man, that nigga's situations was cold-cheddar.")
But mostly...
Penis = situation. That's Pops.
One more Pops translation, but let's flip the script and reverse the order on this one....
"Yeah, I heard my man's situation ain't all the way correct."
Translation: "Sadly, that man has erectile dysfunction."
That seems to be the tone of these new commercials. Like, it's their mission to destigmatize this whole erectile siuation ('situation' is also synonomous with 'thing') These commercials would lead one to believe that a man with a dysfunctioning erectile is not a sissy or 1/2-man -- he's sick. I never knew this. I just thought those men were half-broad or something.
They've shprtened the name to this...to this...disease. It's ED now. "Yeah, man, I got ED. I'm takin Levitra."
These get-erect-quick (sorry Mom) companies are going one step further, though. Not only are they trying their darndest to engender some public sympath for these men with the jacked-up situations, they're letting us all know that, sometimes, a man's erectile may begin dysfunctioning, not because he's a bish-made woos, but perhaps because he had cancer or is fighting diabetes.
"Hey Sheryl what are you doing here?"
"Oh, I was just here filling Paul's ED prescription."
"Ha. Ha."
"Don't laugh Maya. It's one of the after-effects from that bout with walking-pneumonia."
Gimme ten breaks.
But dig it...in this commercial for Levitra, an old black man that looked like Luther Vandross said his situation stopped working because his blood-sugar levels were on the fritz. He had doe-eyes and a pouty-lip. He wanted sympathy. And then, to show how happy he is after taking Levitra, he does something inexplicable. He's not shown in any amorous setting with his wife, or doing something manly like shooting a deer or scratching his crotch...nope. He's shown taking a picture with his wife -- the kind where the timer's flashed. And then, of course, it happens. (Check how they play dude after going through the sympathy situation with the violins and all) The camera flashes before he and wife are in a set pose. Subliminal message? Yeah, OK. Seems obvious, right? Pops would never discuss stuff like this anymore --even though he once had a conversation with my oldest sister when she maybe 14, censuring RKelly for his explicit R&B music. The conversation included, at least, three-minutes of poetic-waxing on women, their situations and moisture -- but I believe the clinical term has something to do with premature something or another. Which begs the questions: When will with that get destigmatized? And when will that pill come out?
(Pops also uses this in the midst of a putdown. So, a pair of busted sneakers become situations, or "Man, that dude's teeth were yellow." = "Man, that nigga's situations was cold-cheddar.")
But mostly...
Penis = situation. That's Pops.
One more Pops translation, but let's flip the script and reverse the order on this one....
"Yeah, I heard my man's situation ain't all the way correct."
Translation: "Sadly, that man has erectile dysfunction."
That seems to be the tone of these new commercials. Like, it's their mission to destigmatize this whole erectile siuation ('situation' is also synonomous with 'thing') These commercials would lead one to believe that a man with a dysfunctioning erectile is not a sissy or 1/2-man -- he's sick. I never knew this. I just thought those men were half-broad or something.
They've shprtened the name to this...to this...disease. It's ED now. "Yeah, man, I got ED. I'm takin Levitra."
These get-erect-quick (sorry Mom) companies are going one step further, though. Not only are they trying their darndest to engender some public sympath for these men with the jacked-up situations, they're letting us all know that, sometimes, a man's erectile may begin dysfunctioning, not because he's a bish-made woos, but perhaps because he had cancer or is fighting diabetes.
"Hey Sheryl what are you doing here?"
"Oh, I was just here filling Paul's ED prescription."
"Ha. Ha."
"Don't laugh Maya. It's one of the after-effects from that bout with walking-pneumonia."
Gimme ten breaks.
But dig it...in this commercial for Levitra, an old black man that looked like Luther Vandross said his situation stopped working because his blood-sugar levels were on the fritz. He had doe-eyes and a pouty-lip. He wanted sympathy. And then, to show how happy he is after taking Levitra, he does something inexplicable. He's not shown in any amorous setting with his wife, or doing something manly like shooting a deer or scratching his crotch...nope. He's shown taking a picture with his wife -- the kind where the timer's flashed. And then, of course, it happens. (Check how they play dude after going through the sympathy situation with the violins and all) The camera flashes before he and wife are in a set pose. Subliminal message? Yeah, OK. Seems obvious, right? Pops would never discuss stuff like this anymore --even though he once had a conversation with my oldest sister when she maybe 14, censuring RKelly for his explicit R&B music. The conversation included, at least, three-minutes of poetic-waxing on women, their situations and moisture -- but I believe the clinical term has something to do with premature something or another. Which begs the questions: When will with that get destigmatized? And when will that pill come out?
At 2:48 AM,
Not Your Average Chimichanga said…
so, what, are you just pissed because they have no such commercial embarrassing a woman for her situation?
the difference is we don't tie our situation to our femininity like y'all tie y'all situation to your masculinity.
too many situations.
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