checking in...
I know I said that I'd post something every Sunday and then, in a classic Vince Move, I failed to post something last Sunday. But, you'll have to forgive me. I had my lil sis Priscilla in town so I was doing the host-thing.
Outside of that; work has been ridiculously busy. I've been averaging about one story per day -- literally.
My productivity is cool and definitely impresses the editors, but I get the feeling that I'm getting played.
But more on my job hunt in an upcoming blog.
Right now it's close to midnight and I have about four pressing things that I absolutely need to do (cover letters to newspapers with openings, finish this story about a women's football league, respond to some emails, read the bible), but being me I'm going to sit back and finish the second season of 24, with an understanding that I'll wake up early tomorrow and get things done. We'll see.
Anyways in the event that some of you were actually periodically checking the blog, I just wanted to get something new up and let you know my next real submission will be this Sunday.
while your at it, check out this site:
I'd like to know what you think. I want to get upset, thinking it's some schmuck making fun of black people, but another part of me just takes it as light humor.
What do you think?
Oh...and to post a comment, just click on the comment link at the end of the blog. I think that's pretty much how it works.
Outside of that; work has been ridiculously busy. I've been averaging about one story per day -- literally.
My productivity is cool and definitely impresses the editors, but I get the feeling that I'm getting played.
But more on my job hunt in an upcoming blog.
Right now it's close to midnight and I have about four pressing things that I absolutely need to do (cover letters to newspapers with openings, finish this story about a women's football league, respond to some emails, read the bible), but being me I'm going to sit back and finish the second season of 24, with an understanding that I'll wake up early tomorrow and get things done. We'll see.
Anyways in the event that some of you were actually periodically checking the blog, I just wanted to get something new up and let you know my next real submission will be this Sunday.
while your at it, check out this site:
I'd like to know what you think. I want to get upset, thinking it's some schmuck making fun of black people, but another part of me just takes it as light humor.
What do you think?
Oh...and to post a comment, just click on the comment link at the end of the blog. I think that's pretty much how it works.
At 12:19 AM,
ids said…
oooh, a writer! i love how you write. by that, i mean the sentence structure and how you express your mood. plus, grammar is important and...well, you've got a great grasp of it! anyway, you're a writer. if i knew nothing else about you that'd be enough. i think i'll read more of you! :)
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